- suborn
- [sʌ'bɔ:n]
- vt. 唆使;收买;使作伪证
- 1.He was suborned into killing the old Tom.
- 他受唆使杀死了老汤姆。
- 2.He was charged with conspiracy to suborn witnesses.
- 他被指控阴谋收买证人作伪证。
- 3.If he thinks that he can suborn me, he is grievously in error.
- 如果他认为可以收买我,那他就大错特错了。
- v.
- 1.incite to commit a crime or an evil deed
- 2.procure (false testimony or perjury)
- 3.induce to commit perjury or give false testimony
- suborn
- 唆使; 以贿赂或非法手段获取; 贿买; 使作伪誓;
- suborn perjury
- 唆使提供伪证; 唆使提供伪证 唆使提供伪证;
- buy off buy over embrace suborn subornation
- 收买;