- 1.Thanks to a Mormon-dominated city council, drinking laws are finicky.
- 由于摩门教徒主导市议会,酒精饮料法案非常严苛。
- 2.Many evangelical Protestants think them heretics—the ruder ones regularly heckle Mormon conferences.
- 许多福音派新教徒认为他们是异端——更粗鲁的人则会完全攻击摩门教徒集会。
- 3.In 1855, a group of Mormon missionaries were the first non-natives to settle in the Las Vegas Valley.
- 1855年,一群摩门教传教士是第一批定居在拉斯维加斯河谷内的非原住民居民。
- 4.Jun: Well, after the Mormon Utah desert, I can use as much lushness as I can get.
- 小君:经历了摩门犹他州的沙漠之后,再多的绿意我都不嫌多。
- 5.The Book of Mormon is not arranged according to chronological order.
- 摩门经的记录不是按照时间的顺序安排。
- Mormon Tabernacle
- 摩门大会堂;
- Mormon Tabernacle
- 摩门大会堂;
- Mormon Tabernacle
- 摩门大会堂;
- Metro Tabernacle
- 美罗帐幕神召会; 神召会教堂; 吉隆坡美罗帐幕神召会; 美罗帐幕神召会教堂;
- Metropolitan Tabernacle
- 都市会幕; 都城会幕; 首都会幕; 都市帐幕;