- 1.Noon pancake pancake face up to my bowl.
- 中午的煎饼面我的碗里煎饼最多。
- 2.Noon pancake pancake face up to my bowl.
- 中午的煎饼面我的碗里煎饼最多。
- 3.Fry the pancake, toss the pancake, catch it if you can.
- 煎煎松饼,把松饼抛高,如果你可以的话,就接住它)。
- 4.The first to serve her pancake to the bell ringer at the church door receives from him a traditional kiss and is hailed as the year's Pancake Champion.
- 第一个将薄饼给教堂门口打铃人吃的选手,将从他那儿得到一个传统上的吻,并被人们欢呼为该年的“薄饼冠军”。
- 5.Java bean noodles mixed corn or sorghum, together with pepper大料face and a small amount of salt, and noodles to defend into pancake (more than a little pancake fried dumpling), steamed consumption.
- 豆腐渣掺玉米或高梁面,再加花椒大料面及小量食盐,和面捍成饼子(比锅贴饼子个小),蒸熟食用。
- French Polynesia - French
- 法属波利尼西亚;
- French Polynesia - French
- 法属波利尼西亚;
- French Polynesia - French
- 法属波利尼西亚;
- French spun yarn French worsted yarn
- 法式精纺毛纱;
- French spun yarn French worsted yarn
- 法式精纺毛纱;