- 1.Be believing loan scale to lead greatly, saved a loan to once differ small, or loan big while depositing, raise interest rate, contract letter loan scale.
- 在信贷规模过大,存贷差过小,或贷款大于存款时,提高利率,缩小信贷规模。
- 2.Be believing loan scale to lead greatly, saved a loan to once differ small, or loan big while depositing, raise interest rate, contract letter loan scale.
- 在信贷规模过大,存贷差过小,或贷款大于存款时,提高利率,缩小信贷规模。
- 3.housing accumulation fund loans, loan demand maximum loan amount can be used to apply for loans from commercial banks in accordance with the settlement of the loan portfolio processing;
- 住房公积金贷款最高贷款额度之外的贷款需求,都可以申请用银行商业贷款解决即按照组合贷款办理;
- 4.Debt: deposit, loan from central bank, bond captial, loan from fellow bank, loan at call, account payable.
- 负债:各项存款、向中央银行借款、债券资金、同业及联行存放款项、同业及金融性公司拆入、应付帐款。
- 5.This will be nearer to her entry-level loan ceiling than the loan ceiling she enjoyed immediately before going into the flex-loan.
- 这将更接近于她进入水平的贷款限度,而不是她在刚要进入灵活贷款前所享受的贷款限度。
- blend blend with blending intermix mix up
- 混和;
- blend blend with blending intermix mix up
- 混和;
- hard loan and soft loan
- 硬贷款与软贷款;
- Subtracts the entire interest charge from the loan principal before you receive the loan
- 当你收到贷款本金时,已扣除贷款的利息;
- Joint Selection Committee of the Hong Kong Rotary Club Students' Loan Fund and Sing Tao Foundation Students' Loan Fund
- 香港扶轮社暨星岛基金贷款助学金遴选委员会;