- 1.For nine could thwart this evil trick with just some quick arithmetic.
- 因为“九”可以很快地完成计算,挫败这邪恶的把戏。
- 2.The new credit cards have many features which are designed to thwart forgers.
- 新的信用卡有许多特徵,是设计用来防止伪造的。
- 3.Chinese officialdom and many ordinary citizens were furious: another petulant effort by Western foes to thwart China's inexorable rise.
- 当时引起了中国官员和普通民众极度愤慨:西方的敌人在徒劳地干涉中国的崛起。
- 4.Chinese officialdom and many ordinary citizens were furious: another petulant effort by Western foes to thwart China's inexorable rise.
- 因此,中国上至官僚下至百姓都愤怒了,称西方敌人又开始对中国崛起进行狂妄阻挠。
- 5.Goalkeepers are paid to uglify matters, to thwart the great artists with a dark artistry of their own.
- 而门将拿工资就是因为在干丑陋的事情,他们的目标就是用自己的黑色艺术来毁掉伟大艺术家的工作。
- filibuster encumber impede hamper hinder stymie curb obstruct restrain retard hamper thwart foil clog check occlude
- 妨碍,阻挠--;
- filibuster encumber impede hamper hinder stymie curb obstruct restrain retard hamper thwart foil clog check occlude
- 妨碍,阻挠--;
- filibuster encumber impede hamper hinder stymie curb obstruct restrain retard hamper thwart foil clog check occlude
- 妨碍,阻挠--;
- thwart
- 划艇座板; 阻碍; 桨手坐板; 横放的;
- boat thwart
- 桨手座座板; 座板; 桨手座;