- 1.Because, housewife clears when ort remnant mug-up, particularly easy put a course that remain or a mug-up subliminally into the mouth at any time.
- 因为,主妇清理剩菜剩点心时,非凡轻易下意识地把剩下的一口菜或一块点心随时放进嘴里。
- 2.Some thunder and lightning parameters such as time, position, intensity, polarity of thunder strike could be obtained quickly by this system.
- 通过系统可实时获得雷击的时间、位置、强度、极性、雷电流等雷电参数。
- 3.The Spurs have arguably the easiest remaining schedule in the West, with games against the Clippers, Thunder, Pacers, Thunder again, Kings and Warriors in hand.
- 在西部余下的赛程里马刺是最轻松的,分别对阵快船,雷霆,步行者,再次雷霆、国王、勇士。
- 4.We want those particularly advertent in cake, mug-up, candied, banger, cheese concealing with etc in a lot of food aeriform and adipose.
- 所以应选吃低脂肪或无脂肪的小吃,而撒有盐粒的小糕点几乎不含脂肪。
- 5.There was a woman who wanted a christening mug for a baby.
- 一个妇女要买庆贺婴儿受洗礼时命名的杯子。
- 音乐游戏; 抢劫,(从背后袭击); 有柄杯,大杯; 音乐类;
- beer mug
- 啤酒杯; 有耳啤酒杯; 啤酒大杯; 啤酒大杯图片;
- Mug Smashers
- 火线追缉; 前线追缉;
- MUG -
- 音乐类游戏;
- enamel mug
- 搪瓷大杯; 不锈钢包边口杯;