- unalloyed
- adj. 纯粹的;非合金的
- 1.It was the unalloyed joy of a family table where the real feast was love.
- 这是一家人餐桌上纯情的欢乐,这道真正大餐就是爱。
- 2.Well, yes. Welcome to the club. "Superpower" has never been an unalloyed compliment. China, as you know, has been a leading critic of American hegemony.
- 是的,欢迎中国加入「超级大国俱乐部」。「超级大国」从来就不是一个纯粹恭维之辞。中国,众所周知,是主导批评美国霸权的最大声音。
- 3.Rees-Jones has now decided to break his silence by writing a book, the bodyguard's Story, which gives his unalloyed account of the events leading up to the final "shambles".
- 现在里斯-琼斯已决定写一本书来打破自己的沉默,书名叫《保镖的故事》,书中对最终导致汽车撞成“一堆废铁”的各个事件进行了原原本本的叙述。
- adj.
- 1.free from admixture
- unalloyed
- 纯粹的; 非合金属的; 未搀杂的; 纯粹的,没有杂物的;
- unalloyed uranium
- 金属铀;
- Unalloyed devotion
- 纯一奉献;
- SMAW Electrodes for Unalloyed Steels
- 低碳钢电焊条;
- Unalloyed aluminium ingots for remelting
- 重熔用铝锭;