- unbridled
- [,ʌn'braidld]
- adj. 放肆的;无拘束的;激烈的
v. 放纵(unbridle的过去分词形式);卸下马辔头
- 1.Do subordinates, superiors in the face of unbridled drinking.
- 做下属的,最忌在上司面前肆无忌惮。
- 2.There was a hubris that was unreal: the climate and the culture and the unbridled optimism. There was arrogance that anything was possible.
- 当时有一种不真实的傲慢气氛:气候、文化和不受拘束的乐观主义。人们傲慢地认为,凡事皆有可能。
- 3.My room is a piece of heaven and earth belongs to me, where I can unbridled slapstick, you can enjoy their own unfettered time, casual dress can also be an ideal world.
- 我的房间是属于我的一片天地,在这里,我可以肆无忌惮的玩闹,可以无拘无束的享受自己的时光,也可以随意的装扮成理想的世界。
- adj.
- 1.not restrained or controlled
- unbridled
- 无拘束的; 无拘束的,激烈的,放纵的; 无缰辔的; 无羁勒的;
- unbridled a
- 放纵的,无约束的;
- behave unbridled
- 变本加厉;
- Unbridled Wrath
- 无边怒气; 怒不可遏; 无边怒气 (十万个为什么:此天赋我正在用);
- unbridled success
- 大胜/狂胜;