- 1.A brave retreat is a brave exploit.
- 一次勇敢的退让是英勇的开拓。
- 2.Courage/fear. One of the great misnomers of American culture is that the brave are people who feel no fear. This is a lie. The brave are those who feel fear but choose to take action anyway.
- 美国文化的一个严重用词不当是任务一个不会感到害怕的人就是一个勇敢的人。
- 3.Narwhals brave the dangerous, shifting ice sheets to search for cod, but Inuit hunters brave them for narwhals.
- 角鲸不畏险恶浮冰猎捕鳕鱼,而因纽特猎人亦冒着同样的危险来猎捕角鲸。
- 4.If ever you needed inspiration to get out and ride, this will fuel your appetite to get out and brave the elements.
- 不论什么时间你如果有灵感想走出来试试自己的驾驶技术的话,本片都会给你的让你更有勇气和给你的胃口加油。
- 5.When he toured Australia, leggy models leapt out of the surf to kiss him for a photo op. He was brave.
- 他去澳大利亚旅游的时候,美腿模特们为了照片曝光率甚至不惜跳进海浪中去亲他一下。
- brave it out to the bitter end
- 拼到底;
- brave it out to the bitter end
- 拼到底;
- brave it out
- 拼到底; 一拼到底; 拚到底;
- brave it out to the bitter end
- 拼到底;
- cancel cross out dash out expurgation score out stroke out
- 删去;