- survival of the fittest
- 适者生存
- 1.Facing the market of "Survival of the fittest", it is the top priority to benefit in the process of being the fittest.
- 时至今日已是「弱者生存、强者淘汰」的市场,如何打开这一片具有经济效益的市场,更是当务之急。
- 2.If evolution is survival of the fittest, why should a young raven share a winter's worth of food with its unrelated rivals?
- 如果进化论是适者生存,为什么这个年青的乌鸦会和与它毫无干系的乌鸦一起分享冬天里难得的食物?
- 3."Survival of the fittest applies to cancer cells, " says Richard Schilsky, associate dean for clinical research at the University of Chicago.
- 芝加哥大学临床研究副院长理查德·希勒斯基说:适者生存的理论也适合于癌细胞。
- n.
- 1.a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment
- survival of the fittest
- 适者生存; 优胜劣汰; 活者生存; 最适者生存;
- the survival of the fittest
- 适者生存;
- survival of the fittest HBz
- 优胜劣汰;
- survival of the fittest in natural selection
- 物竞天择; 物竞天择,适者生存;
- survival of the fittest the survival of the fittest
- 适者生存;