- verisimilar
- [,veri'similə]
- adj. 好像是真的
- 1.if i could smile more verisimilar, my happiness will become verisimilitude?
- 要是我的微笑可以再像真多一点,我的快乐应当会再逼真一点吧?
- 2.The result of experiment shows that it is easy in use, and the generated graph is verisimilar, so the thought is of reference value.
- 实验结果表明,该方法简单易行,生成图形逼真,此思想具有借鉴意义。
- 3.The fixed special weekly English activities by foreign teachers supply the students with entirely verisimilar environment for their English study.
- 每周固定的外教授课特色英语活动,为学生提供全真的英语学习环境。
- adj.
- 1.appearing to be true or real
- Verisimilar
- 逼真的; 好象真实的; 似真的; 可能的;