- 1.Thus one may speak of the close affinity of James and Samuel, or of the affinity between James and Samuel, or of James
- 因此可以说詹姆士和塞缪尔的亲密关系,或者说詹姆士和塞缪尔之间的亲密关系,或者也可说詹姆士和塞缪尔的亲密关系。
- 2.Replace five incandescent light bulbs in your home with compact fluorescents: Swapping those 75-watt incandescents with 19-watt CFLs can cut 275 pounds of CO2.
- 用紧凑型灯替换家里的五盏白炽灯:用19瓦的紧凑型节能灯来代替75瓦的白炽灯可以减少275磅二氧化碳的排放。
- 3.Watt-Hour Meter A watt-hour meter records the total power output at a specific point in a system. Typical recording increment is in kW-hours.
- 电度表电度表记录系统中某一点的总电力输出,通常以千瓦时为记录单位。
- 4.James Watt's flyball governor (1769) regulated steam flow to a steam engine to maintain constant engine speed despite a changing load.
- 1769年瓦特的飞球调速器,它是一种调节蒸汽流的装置,即使荷载变化仍可保持蒸汽机的转速不变。
- 5.James Watt's flyball governor (1769) regulated steam flow to a steam engine to maintain constant engine speed despite a changing load.
- 1769年瓦特的飞球调速器,它是一种调节蒸汽流的装置,即使荷载变化仍可保持蒸汽机的转速不变。
- James Watt
- 詹姆斯·瓦特; 部主任屈志仁; 发明蒸气机的瓦特; 蒸汽机之父--詹姆斯.瓦特;
- lumens per watt
- 每瓦流; 每瓦流明;
- watt-hour
- 瓦时; 瓦(特)小时; 瓦特时; 瓦时 瓦特小时;
- watt-hour meter
- 瓦[特]小时计,电[度]表; 电度计; 瓦[特]小时计,电[度]表;
- WH watt-hour
- 每小时瓦特; 瓦·小时;