- gulping
- [ɡʌlp]
- vt. 狼吞虎咽地吃;大口地吸
vi. 哽住;喘不过气
n. 一大口(尤指液体);吞咽
- 1.The hungry boy gulped down the bowl of soup.
- 饥饿的男孩大口大口地把那碗汤喝了下去。
- 2.She crawled onto the river bank and lay there gulping in air.
- 她爬上河岸躺在那里喘着粗气。
- 3.Mary was still crying when unexpected visitors arrived; gulping back her tears, she made an effort to greet them cheerfully.
- 不速之客来访问题时玛丽还在哭泣;她强忍住眼泪,装出笑脸迎接客人。
- n.
- 1.a spasmodic reflex of the throat made as if in swallowing
- 2.the drinking of large mouthfuls rapidly
- Gulping down a whole date
- 囫囵吞枣;