- 1.In the still of midnight, the still water retained in the still smaller still still remained still as it was not heated yet.
- 在夜深人静的时候,在更小的釜中所留的静止的水仍然保持静止,因为还没有加热。
- 2.The key, he thought at last, dripping wet, must be to hold the wings still at high speeds - to flap up to fifty and then hold the wings still.
- 他身上湿漉漉的直淌水,最后终于领悟到,关键在于高速飞行时一定要让翅膀静止不动——鼓翼飞到时速五十英里,然后稳住翅膀不动。
- 3.Everyone, cause the waist sour backache of salpigitis hold out of uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, annex inflammation, endometrial shift, what still salpigitis hold.
- 各位,引起腰酸背疼的妇科病出了子宫肌瘤,附件炎,盆腔炎,子宫内膜移位,还有哪些妇科病。
- 4.A packet appeared on my head, pretty aches, several days, still do not have decrescent in that way, still hold out ache.
- 我头上出现了一个小包,蛮疼的,好几天了,还是那样没变小,还是挺疼的。
- 5.Liu Mou says to others: "The son of our alcalde is likely, do not think over he can use water of right leg hold up solely, actually their foot simultaneously hold up, more in high spirits."
- 刘某向别人说:“咱镇长的儿子可能了,你别寻思他光会用右脚撩水,其实他俩脚一齐撩,更来劲。”
- fall asleep hold still
- 静止不动;
- hold still
- 静止不动; 固定不动; 保持不动,安静;
- hold still sucker
- 别动, 靠。; 别动, 靠。;
- fall asleep hold still
- 静止不动;
- I still hold on
- 我却还是坚持着; 我却还坚持着; 我仍然相信; 我却还是坚持著;