- serious-minded
- adj. 认真的
- a. thoughtful
- 1.Processes of precise, factualistic, serious-minded and responsible personality and scientism.
- 培养严谨、求实、细致、认真、负责的工程素养和科学精神。
- 2.In Algeria, too, a rich array of serious-minded parties is allowed to compete for parliamentary seats.
- 在阿尔及利亚,也有一大批行事严肃认真的党派获得了争取议会席位的权力。
- 3.You are serious-minded and not inclined to make light of things even in little ways, and in your younger years you had more mature interests than others your age.
- 你严谨的大脑里不包括一些微不足道的东西,在你年轻的时候你对很多东西都感兴趣。
- adj.
- 1.acting with or showing thought and good sense
- serious-minded
- 认真的;
- demure earnest serious serious-minded staid
- 认真的;