- 1.A hit by which a batter reaches first base safely; a one-base hit.
- 一垒打击球手安全到达一垒的一击;
- 2.The software system consists of the data base subsystem, model base subsystem, graph base subsystem, method base subsystem, help base subsystem &man-machine interface.
- 该软件系统由数据库子系统、模型库子系统、图形库子系统、方法库子系统以及帮助系统和人机界面组成。
- 3.Red can hit a target only for clearance, the first hit 1000, increase incentives for a hit on each doubled!
- 只有连续击中靶子红心才能过关,第一次击中得1000分,每连续增加一次击中就奖励翻倍!
- 4.Red can hit a target only for clearance, the first hit 1000, increase incentives for a hit on each doubled!
- 只有连续击中靶子红心才能过关,第一次击中得1000分,每连续增加一次击中就奖励翻倍!
- 5.Hit-the-spot. Hit, h-i-t. The spot, s-p-o-t. For example, if you are hungry and go eat you could say, "That food really hit the spot. ""
- 嗯~,在中文里也有这个说法哦.肚子非常饿的时候去吃饭,吃饱了就感到心满意足.疑?那~,洗个热水澡真痛快,那该怎麽说呢?
- chance on hit hit on hit upon stumble across stumble upon
- 偶然发现;
- chance on hit hit on hit upon stumble across stumble upon
- 偶然发现;
- chance on hit hit on hit upon stumble across stumble upon
- 偶然发现;
- base hit safe hit
- 安全打;
- base hit safe hit
- 安全打;